"Luke 16:19-31" Tagged Teaching

"Luke 16:19-31" Tagged Teaching

The Doctrine of Hell and Its Fruits

Luke 16:19-31 We have the joy, the privilege of returning to the Gospel of Luke once again. I have missed it for sure, and I trust that you have, too. So turn in your Bibles to Luke 16 and the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. It was a really unique parable among all of Jesus’ parables.It’s one of Jesus’ longest. It’s the most story-like of all his parables. It’s full of rich and vivid detail. And it’s because…

Hell Is For Real

1. Without Hell, we lose the fear of God. 2. Without Hell, we lose the holiness of God.  3. Without Hell, we lose the Gospel.  4. Without Hell, we lose the love of God.