Teaching on Sermons

Teaching on Sermons

The Great Danger of Friendship with the World

James 4:4-6 If you would turn to James chapter 4; it’s been a little over a month since I was up here last, and in that sermon, we began to look at chapter 4 of this letter together, and those first three verses in chapter 4. And I really do believe that those make for a good one-off sermon because of how intensely practical they are in helping us to think about and to deal with conflict righteously. And I…

Jesus Orders the Supper 

Luke 22:14-20 We’re going to prepare our hearts for the blessing of celebrating the communion ordinance. And in preparing our hearts, it’s the Lord who has brought us into a special text in our study of Luke’s gospel, and it’s the institution of the Lord’s table. This is what the Lord set up for us, set this table, prepared it for us, and invites us to come. So if you would turn to Luke 22 in your Bibles.  Luke 22,…

Holiness for the Holidays

1 Samuel 1:1-18 As the holidays are fast approaching, my think Lowe’s has had their Christmas stuff out since August now. But the, the holidays are upon us now again already. My kids, they decorated our basement with Christmas stuff last week. The students they wanted to decorate down in the, the big room down in the student center last week. Thanksgiving is only 11 days away now. Christmas is coming and with the holidays approaching, I thought it would…