Colossians 1:24-2:7 Let’s take a moment and open in a word of prayer this morning. Our Father, we thank you for your holiness, and we thank you for this great gospel, that we have heard the proclamation of so faithfully through this weekend. We thank you for the gospel that saves us. We thank you for the Christ whom you sent to redeem us from our sins, to satisfy the demands of your perfect justice. It is death on the…
Colossians 3:1-4 Turn in your bibles to Colossians chapter 3, Colossians 3. I’d like to take you, you to a text that’s really been on my heart lately. One that I have found particularly helpful throughout my Christian life. And it’s a message that I think we all need to hear this morning. It’s found in Colossians 3:1-4. This is Paul’s exhortation to heavenly mindedness. Back in April, Gary Brotherton preached a message out of Colossians and went through some…
Colossians 1:15-20 So important was the birth of this baby that on the night that he was born an angelic host opened up the sky in the night. They violated the barrier that separates the immaterial world from the material world. They shone glory down upon a group of lowly shepherds with blinding light. And they proclaimed glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased. Directed by the angels those shepherds…